Friday, May 23, 2008

A Birthday Wish

Dear God,

I pray.

Away from everything she knew as love

Where her language was a barrier, her believes too

She lived, loneliness her companion and many tears too.

Watch over her, she does not deserve to cry.

Tormented by life with unpleasant surprises

She lived through more than most would in a life span

Yet she emerged full of compassion and love.

Watch over her, she does not deserve to cry.

Struggling to work for hours too long

Living with a society where betrayal came from friends

She fought, so she could put a smile on those she cares.

Watch over her, she does not deserve to cry.


Give her my share of joys from life

And also the little gifts of happiness one is entitled now and then

And I will weep her tears and carry her sorrows

Coz she does not deserve to cry.

I pray.

Dear love,

I shall not tell you my tales of loneliness today

Nor about the tears I have silently shed

Though today I wish I were in your arms more than any other day.

Today, I pray.

From the fluttering prayers of a lonely flag,

I pray for you

Protection from the immortal souls.

I pray for you

Rising from the silhouette of a majestic Dzong

Blessings of luck, goodliness and need prosperity.

From the brimming earthen pot on a smoky stove

I pray for you

Shelter from the hunger pangs.

From a child uncontaminated by unending desires

I pray for you

Unending laughter, joy and happiness.

Happy birthday.

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