Friday, May 23, 2008

A Journey of Moments

Along the curves to a village called Tang

We held hands and have laughed

Rolled around on the lushly grass and kissed.

Made love, suppressing our moans

And controlling our bursting desires

Least the parents sleeping might awaken.

Now that was tough, tougher than the walk uphill.

Around a bend we sat and drank

The bottle of Ara mother so lovingly gifted

With tears in her eyes, and a hug that said goodbye.

Beside a river that I know not where it would flow

Mother cried, you cried, I nearly did, Yangka definitely did.

Sigh, goodbyes break my heart. But not for now

Just now, Ara has the power.

Atop a hill called Yoto-la, we smiled and posed

We clicked and shook our heads, so we clicked again

A perfect moment finally captured.

This was our moment

Amongst a bus load of tourist, gawking at the scenery

Shivering slightly in the mountain wind.

This, was our moment.

Then beneath the paintings from Travelers and Magicians

We sat to feel the feel, and then danced a little dance too

Awed at the art, enjoyed the scenery, relieved a little

And off we went again, winding and turning up and down.

I drove and you smiled, I drove and you yawned

I looked at you and realized

I was falling in love everyday.

And finally after many hours and many cigarettes too

The lights of Thimphu beckoned us home.

Tired and weary not romantic any more

Fighting sleep and the bottle of Ara too

My recollection actually is nil from that moment on.

But this journey I know I will take a thousand times more

Some in my dreams, some in my wishes.

I miss you Amore, come home

Tang is calling us.

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