Friday, May 23, 2008

A Morning Experience

The phone rang, I jumped,I said hello

And a woman on the other end asked for Dechen

There was no Dechen here, and even if there was,

Dechens probably want to sleep at six thirty in the morning, God.

I curled in again, eager to find my dream where I left.

I rolled and rolled, but the dream was lost, forever

Shit, curses, six forty five.

I dragged myself out, strolled out of the house

And what hit me was amazing

The air, so much more fresh than the morning dew

And tasted better than my cigarettes

The silence, except for a distant chirping bird, deafening

The cleanliness, the freshness, and the wonderful feeling it came with

The world was actually awake while I slept.

So this is why people got up early in the morning, now I know.

Not that I would want to do it again, but this was seriously nice.

Slavering when I could, I sat down, the experience rejuvenating.

I didn’t care about my sleep now, neither the dream that I had lost

And thank you irritating woman and all Dechens, this is beautiful.

Amore, when you return, we should do this sometimes, it’s just like our love

Exhilarating, beautiful, so full of life, yet so simple.

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